Take Our FREE Online Course

Privatized Banking:

How to Become Your Own Banker

Sign up to receive my Free 4-Part Video Training Course that covers:
  1. The problem with our current way of thinking about money
  2. A solution to that problem that provides guarantees, tax free growth, 100% control of your capital, and builds a generational legacy
  3. How to implement the solution into your life and business
  4. Bonus: case studies and answers to commonly asked question

What if everything you thought to be true about money was wrong?

When would you want to find out?


Take Our FREE Online Course

Privatized Banking:

How to Become Your Own Banker

Sign up to receive my Free 4-Part Video Training Course that covers:
  1. The problem with our current way of thinking about money
  2. A solution to that problem that provides guarantees, tax free growth, 100% control of your capital, and builds a generational legacy
  3. How to implement the solution into your life and business
  4. Bonus: case studies and answers to commonly asked question

What if everything you thought to be true about money was wrong?

When would you want to find out?

See What Other Pilots Have To Say About The Infinite Banking Concept

Becoming Your Own Banker

I consider this mandatory reading for all of my members. The concept explained in this book is the foundation of my entire wealth building strategy.


Infinite Banking for Pilots by yours truly, David Befort. My purpose here is to educate pilots about hidden truths regarding money and banking. Specifically, I aim to share with you a more effective way to utilize your capital by storing and leveraging it in a place that guarantees safety, liquidity, and legacy. Click below to get your free copy.

Book Cover


Infinite Banking for Real Estate Investors by yours truly, David Befort. Imagine owning a financial asset where you could store your hard-earned capital and allow it to compound uninterrupted every year for the rest of your life, guaranteed to grow, protected from loss, and fully liquid. Now imagine you had access to the principal at any time, along with the growth you’ve earned through compounding, completely tax-free. And even while you access it, it continues to compound and grow in the background as if you never touched it.

The Case for IBC

Perfect for business owners, this book explains the power of using specially designed life insurance contracts to grow and leverage capital in order to manage cash flows in a growing business.

Building Your Warehouse of Wealth

In this book, Nelson Nash challenges our fundamental beliefs about money. Nelson expounds on his philosophy that personal freedom and responsibility are impossible to achieve without access to, and control of, one’s wealth.