How to fund your Lump Sum PUA Instructions
IMPORTANT: Your Lump Sum PUA (SPUA) can only be made within first 12 months, and you only have one opportunity to make the payment. So, for example, if you had a 20k lump sum; and you wanted to just pay 10k for now – then you would not be able to do another transaction. You are not obligated to pay the full amount. I recommend
1. Download “P.A.W.” aka Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Form.
2. Put withdraw date (today’s date)
3. Use the main account that you funded your policy with
4. Write amount of lump sum
4. In special instructions: Please apply this payment to my SPUA
6. Print
7. Wet Sign [as policy holder and account owner]
8. Scan and email to [email protected] and CC me at [email protected] so I can help to quality control the Pre Authorized Withdrawal of your SPUA.
If you have any questions about the amount that you are able to do, when you can do it, or why you want to shoot for fully funding your SPUA within the first year your policy is in force, please reach out.