Learn how to make a payment towards your Lafayette policy.

How to make a payment

The following instructions are for clients who have policies with Lafayette.

Step 1: Log in.

Step 2: Click on “Make a Payment” on top menu.

Step 3: Select whichever policy from the dropdown you’d like to make a payment towards.

*You cannot pre-pay your premium before it is due.

Step 4: You will select what you would like to pay: Premium, Deposit Fund*, LPUA* or Loan Repayment*. (see below for more details)

Step 5: Verify your payment details are correct. If you used a PAW form to pay your initial premium – that bank information should be pre-loaded into the system for you.

More details:

  • *LPUA option with a blank box: Means you have more LPUA you can pay. It will not tell you how much. But, every year, after your anniversary date, call the company 800-243-6631 and see how much LPUA can I put in without creating a “MEC” – a “Modified Endowment Contract”. They will be able to calculate that amount to the penny.
  • *Repay Loans option will be there as well for those of you who’ve taken out loans against the Cash Value in your policy. You can write in however much you’d like to pay. You can pay as much or as little as you’d like, and choose the frequency that you’d like to pay.
  • See left panel [on the Lafayette Portal’s “Make a Payment” page] for “How to Make Online Payments” and “How to Add Bank Information for Online Payments” linked tutorials.

A note on Annual Policy Payments

  • You will receive 2 invoices in the mail about 3-4 weeks prior to your anniversary date
    • Premium – you can decide at that time how to pay (annually, monthly, etc.)
    • Interest – your accumulated interest will be calculated. You should pay this by sending a check in, as you can’t pay the interest online (it will go straight towards principal instead)
  • You CANNOT pay your premium prior to your anniversary date. If you send in the payment ahead of time, the company will hold on to it until your anniversary date and apply it then.
  • You need to wait until your anniversary date or shortly after in order to make an online premium payment
  • You have a 30 day grace period, so if you don’t make your payment right on time no need to worry