One of the best rewards that you get from Infinite Banking is that eventually you don’t have to rely on a bank to finance the things you want or even need in life..

In a recent episode of the Wealth Warehouse podcast, Paul and I dive into “family banking” and paint a picture of what it would be like for your family to not have to deal with the bank.

We detail how you can set up your very own family banking system to circumvent the painful lending process that we all have to undertake – and how you can share this with those closest to you.

Subscribe for a new episode every Monday:

Apple podcast



Episode Highlights:

(0:00) – Introduction

(0:29) – Episode beginning

(2:21) – The mortgage process

(6:44) – Family banking

(10:35) – Painting a vision of family banking

(16:47) – The mechanics of family banking

(18:35) – Passing down the idea of family banking

(21:45) – Perpetual motion

(30:02) – Episode wrap-up

As always, if you want to have a conversation about the next step in your banking system, schedule a time for us to talk.

